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The stage musical On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, with lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Burton Lane, is playing at the Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 280 performances.
The stage musical Man Of La Mancha is playing at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of almost two and a half years.
Manfred Mann play at The Supreme Ballroom, Ramsgate, UK.
Dolly Parton marries Carl Thomas Dean in Ringgold, Georgia, USA. The early months of their relationship will provide the inspiration for Dolly's 1968 song Just Because I'm A Woman.
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Jac Holzman of Elektra Records returns for the third time to see The Doors supporting Love at The Whisky A Go Go, Los Angeles, California, USA. Afterwards, The Doors go on to play a late night show at The Hullabaloo, West Hollywood, California, USA.
Jefferson Airplane play at the Benefit for the Haight-Ashbury Legal Organization (HALO) at Winterland, San Francisco, California, USA.