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The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
The musical Zizi is presented at The Broadway Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 49 performances.
The stage musical On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, with lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Burton Lane, is playing at the Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 280 performances.
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, featuring Butterfield on vocals and harmonica, Michael Bloomfield and Elvin Bishop on guitars, Mark Naftalin on organ, Jerome Arnold and bass and Sam Lay on drums, is playing during a month of live shows at The Unicorn, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Ketty Lester plays during two weeks at Annie's Room, London, England, UK, Europe.
Chris Bostock, bassist and keyboard player of UK pop band JoBoxers is born in London, England, UK, Europe.
The Marquee Show, featuring Manfred Mann, The Yardbirds, Inez and Charlie Foxx, Paul And Barry Ryan, Gary Farr And The T-Bones, the Mark Leeman Five and The Scaffold, plays at The Ritz, Luton, England, UK, Europe.
The stage musical Man Of La Mancha is playing at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of almost two and a half years.
The Kinks play at The Golden Room, Terrace Club USHQ, Frankfurt, Germany, Europe.
John Coltrane records the LP Meditations for Impulse! Records at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Czech producer, composer, songwriter, keyboard player Michal Dvorak is born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Europe.
The Rolling Stones play at The Assembly Hall, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
While on tour as guitarist with Joey Dee And The Starliters, Jimmy Hendrix [later to find international fame as Jimi Hendrix] arrives in Revere, Massachusetts, USA, and writes a letter home.
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While promoting his current American single, Casting My Spell /I'm Blue on Mr. Maestro Records, Pete Best, former drummer of The Beatles, undertakes a photo session in Central Park, New York City, USA,
Wilson Pickett plays at The Birdcage, Portsmouth, England, UK, Europe.
TV pop show Where The Action Is in the USA features Little Richard performing Jenny, Jenny, plus Dusty Springfield performing Wishin' and Hopin'.
The Small Faces play in Stonecross Hall, Harlow New Town, England, UK, Europe.
The Steam Packet play at The Marquee, Soho, London, England, UK, Europe. (The group includes Rod Stewart, Long John Baldry, Julie Driscoll and Brian Auger.)
The Beach Boys play at the Curry Hicks Cage, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, with the Prince Spaghetti Minstrels, The Boss Tweeds and The Bold.
The Wilburn Brothers record Someone Before Me, I Can't Keep Away From You, Goin' And Comin' and Just To Be Where You Are for Decca Records in Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
The Elvis Presley movie Girl Happy opens at cinemas in Portugal, Europe.
It is announced that The Kingpins, a group from Albuquerque, New Mexico, has signed to MGM Records in the USA for the release of a single, a guitar instrumental entitled Doorbanger.
Larry Hanks and Chris Selsor play at The Jabberwock, Berkeley, California, USA.
Mike Seeger plays for 537 fans at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The Beatles spend the day making promotional films for Day Tripper and We Can Work It Out with NEMS Head Of Promotions Tony Bramwell, at Twickenham Film Studios, Twickenham, England, UK, Europe.
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The Who play in The Dorothy Ballroom, Cambridge, England, UK, Europe.