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The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.
Bobby Darin comes to the end of a week of shows at Casino Royal, Washington DC, USA.
Blues vocalist Ernestine Allen [aka Annisteen Allen] records the album Let It Roll, produced by King Curtis, in the USA.
UK singer/songwriter Stephen Duffy is born. In his career he will play with Duran Duran, have a hit as Tintin, form thecritically acclaimed The Lilac Time, and pursue a lengthy solo career.
The Silver Beetles play at the Jacaranda Club, Liverpool, UK. In due course they will change their name to The Beatles.
Brenda Lee releases I'm Sorry, which will go on to become her first No1 single in the USA.
UK singer/songwriter Stephen Duffy is born. In his career he will play with Duran Duran, have a hit as Tintin, form the critically acclaimed band The Lilac Time, and pursue a lengthy solo career.
Marlene Dietrich plays at The Tuschinsky Theatre, Amsterdam, Holland, Europe.
Connie Francis begins a two week engagement at Sciolla's Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Jackie Wilson plays the fourth of seven nights at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA.
He'll Have To Stay by Jeanne Black reaches No1 in the Canadian pop singles chart.
Two versions of the same song, Alley Oop, one by The Hollywood Argyles and one by Dante And The Evergreens, enter the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA. The first will reach No1, the second will peak at No15.
The musical Irma La Douce is running at The Plymouth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It runs at The Plymouth for more than a year before transferring to The Alvin Theatre.