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The Count Basie Orchestra, with Billy Eckstine on vocals, records Stormy Monday Blues, I Want A Little Girl [arranged by Quincy Jones], Drifting and other tracks in New York City, USA.
Dave 'Baby' Cortez, Bo Diddley, The Heartbeats, The Fiestas, The Cadillacs and Bobby Day play the first night in a week of shows at The Howard Theater, Washington, DC, USA. (1959)ong>
Dave 'Baby' Cortez, Bo Diddley, The Heartbeats, The Fiestas, The Cadillacs and Bobby Day begin a week of shows at The Howard Theater, Washington, DC, USA. (1959)ong>
Lisa Dal Bello is born in Weston, Toronto, Canada. Shge will find success as recording artist, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and voice actress Dalbello.
The Count Basie Orchestra, with Billy Eckstine on vocals, records Stormy Monday Blues, I Want A Little Girl (arranged by Quincy Jones), Drifting and other tracks in New York City, USA.
The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.