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The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.
British comedy duo Flanders And Swann are performing their show At The Drop Of A Hat during a run of 215 performances at the John Golden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA.
Ray Peterson continues with his five week season at the Dunes Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Sweet Sixteen by B.B. King peaks at No2 in the Billboard R'n'B singles chart in the USA.
Bobby Darin and Connie Francis appear on US tv's Ed Sullivan Show, recorded in New York City, USA.
Buster Brown plays at The Royal Theater, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Tony Bennett records I'm Always Chasing Rainbows, Sophisticated Lady and Alone Together, in New York City, USA, for Columbia Records.
Jazz saxophonist Lou Donaldson records Way Down Upon The Swanee River at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
The musical Irma La Douce is running at The Plymouth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It runs at The Plymouth for more than a year before transferring to The Alvin Theatre.