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The Three Flames are playing during a five year engagement at The Bon Soir, New York City, USA.
Dickie Valentine experiences throat problems while starring in the pantomime Aladdin, at The Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool, UK. He is obliged to drop ballads from his performance.
The Merseysippi Jazz Band plays at The Festival Hall, East Kirkby, Lincolnshire, England, UK, Europe.
Lita Roza appears on the ATV show Saturday Spectacular, with Peter Sellers, in the UK.
Despite their leader suffering from a fever, Bill Haley and The Comets play the second of two nights in The Tivoli Theatre, Adelaide, Australia.
Dickie Valentine experiences throat problems while starring in the pantomime Aladdin, at The Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool, UK. He is obliged to drop ballads from his performance.
Tommy Steele's cover version of Guy Mitchell's US chart-topper Singing The Blues reaches No1 in the UK singles chart during a fifteen-week run on the chart.
Elvis Presley records his sixth US No1 hit, All Shook Up in RCA Studios, Hollywood, California, USA.