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Tommy Sands flies from Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA, to New York City to audition for the leading role in The Singin' Idol, a tv dramatization of the life of a popular rock 'n' roll singer. The part had first been offered to Elvis Presley, who turned it down.
Leslie 'Jiver' Hutchinson And His Band play in The Drill Hall, Alfreton, UK.
Gene Vincent begins the year in hospital in Portsmouth, Virginia, USA, undergoing treatment for a shin-bone injury sustained when he was hit by a motor-cyclist in a hit-and-run incident a year earlier in Norfolk, Virginia. Vincent recently had to drop out of an engagement at The Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, because of the pain he was suffering. He is expected to remain in hospital for three months.
Bill Haley and The Comets fly out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, headed for Chicago, Illinois, USA, on the first leg of a journey that will take them to Sydney, Australia, to begin a tour.
Walt Heebner, Vice-President of Capitol Records' office in New York City, USA, resigns. It is thought he is planning to open his own independent record company.
The Three Flames are playing during a five year engagement at The Bon Soir, New York City, USA.
A new UK tv pop show, Cool For Cats, has its first broadcast, with singer Tony Brent as its first performer.