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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
The stage musical She Loves Me with music by Jerry Bock and lyrics by Sheldon Harnick is playing at The Eugene O'Neill Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 301 performances.
Winifred Atwell, Lance Percival, Ronnie Carroll, Antonio Vargas And The Spanish Dancers, Gerard Sety, Des Lane, Toni Ros, The Mistins and The Don Robb Group are playing during the summer season at The Star Light Roof, The Winter Gardens, Bournemouth, England, UK, Europe.
Paul And Paula are playing during a three-week booking at The International Club, New York City, USA.
Moms Mabley And Her Revue plus Joey Dee And The Starliters play during a week of shows at The Apollo Theatre, Harlem, New York City, USA.
Benny Berman plays the first of five nights at The Blue Dog Cellar, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Jan Berry of Jan And Dean signs two contracts with Screen Gems. The first is an exclusive three-year songwriting agreement, and the second an exclusive six-year contract as a producer.
Guy Lombardo And His Orchestra play in Hershey Park, Pennsylvania, USA.
The second edition of BBC radio series Pop Go The Beatles, featuring live perfomances by The Beatles, is broadcast in the UK.
Brenda Lee graduates from Hollywood Professional School in Los Angeles, California, USA.
An elderly Buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, sets fire to himself on a main intersection in Saigon, Vietnam, to protest against the rule of Ngo Dinh Diem, the American-backed leader of Vietnam. Several decades later, a photograph of this horrific incident will be used as the cover of the 1992 album Rage Against The Machine by Rage Against The Machine.
Freddie And The Dreamers play at The State, Kilburn, London, England, UK, Europe.
The Rayber Corporation, formed by Berry Gordy Jr of Motown Records, buys The Graystone Ballroom in Canfield, Detroit, Michigan, USA. The ballroom, purchased for $125,000 from the University of Michigan, is to be transformed into a top-class nightclub.
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Roland Kirk records Ecclusiastics, By Myself and other tracks with the Benny Golson Orchestra at A + R Recording Studios, New York City, USA, for Mercury Records.
The front cover of UK music weekly the NME (New Musical Express) features a full-page advert for the single Hey Mama by Frankie Vaughan. This edition of the paper also features articles about Billy J. Kramer, Jet Harris And Tony Meehan, Roy Orbison, Frank Ifield and Del Shannon.
Frankie Avalon appears on daily tv pop show American Bandstand, recorded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Singer Kitty Kallen is playing in The Persian Room at The Hotel Plaza, New York City, USA.
Columbia Records hosts a 'Wine And Roses' luncheon party in honour of Andy Williams, who addresses the assembled throng of music executives, deejays, dealers and journalists. Goddard Lieberson, President of Columbia Records is in attendance, and everyone present is given a copy of Williams' LP Days Of Wine And Roses.
Stan Getz opens for a week at The Village Vanguard, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, with The Bob Pozar Trio.