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Fact #181589


Short story:

The Beatles, minus John Lennon, have the first recording session for the George Harrison song Here Comes The Sun at EMI's Abbey Road Studios, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

George Harrison : We had meetings and meetings, bankers, lawyers,contracts, shares – and it was really awful because it's not the sort of thing we enjoy. One day I didn't come into the office. It was like bunking off school. I went to a friend's house in the country, and it was the release of that tension that had been building up in me, and it was a really nice, sunny day, and I picked up the guitar, which was the first time I'd played the guitar for a couple of weeks because I was so busy. The first thing that came out was that song. I finished it later, when I was on holiday in Sardinia.

George Harrison : Here Comes The Sun is the other song that I wrote on the album. And, uh, it was written on a nice sunny day this, um... early summer. In Eric Clapton's garden. Because we'd been through really hell with business, and, y'know, it was very heavy. And on that day I just felt as though I was sagging off, like from school, it was like that. I just didn't come in one day. And just the release of being in the sun and the - it was just really nice day. And that - I just - that song just came. It's a bit like If I Needed Someone and, y'know, like that basic sort of - the riff going through it is the same as, uh - y'know, all those Bells Of Rhymney sort of Byrds-type things.