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Brenda Lee releases a new single, Rock-A-Bye Baby Blues/Rock The Bop, on Decca Records in the USA.
Lefty Frizzell releases a new single, Tell Me Dear, on Columbia Records in the USA.
Brenda Lee releases a new single, Rock-A-Bye Baby Blues, on Decca Records in the USA.
It is reported that Essex Productions, one of several companies owned by Frank Sinatra, has bought a majority interest in three radio stations - KJR [Seattle], KXL [Portland] and KNEW [Spokane] on the West Coast of the USA.
A feature in music trade magazine Billboard in the USA evaluates the potential impact of the new stereophonic recording systems and advises readers, 'Don't scrap your monaural record players. Don't worry about stereo discs making single-channel sound obsolete. Forget about stereo discs for a while and tell your customers to do the same."
Alan Freed's Holiday Of Stars show plays at The Paramount, New York City, USA, featuring Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly and the Crickets, The Rays, Danny and the Juniors, Paul Anka, Thurston Harris, the Teenagers and Terry Noland.
Alan Freed's Holiday Of Stars show plays at The Paramount, New York City, USA, featuring Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly and the Crickets, The Rays, Danny and the Juniors, Paul Anka, Thurston Harris, the Teenagers and Terry Noland.