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When the Jean Goldkette recording band is late to the studios because of bus trouble, members of McKinney's Cotton Pickers stand in for them and record a live session for the Eskimo Pie radio show at Marsh Labs in Chicago, Illinois, USA, including the songs What A Day, Junior and Yours Sincerely.
Harvey Fuqua is born in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. He will go on to lead Harvey and the Moonglows, and to be major producer at Motown.
Harvey Fuqua is born in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. He will go on to lead Harvey And The Moonglows, and to be major producer at Motown Records.
When the Jean Goldkette recording band is late to the studios because of bus trouble, members of McKinney's Cotton Pickers stand in for them and record a live session for the Eskimo Pie radio show at Marsh Labs in Chicago, Illinois, USA, including the songs What A Day, Junior and Yours Sincerely.