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The musical Bet Your Life is running at The London Hippodrome, London, England, UK, starring Julie Wilson, Brian Reece, Arthur Askey, Sally Ann Howes. Songs in the show include I Love Being in Love, It’s the Female of the Species, Hook Line and Sinker, I Want a Great Big Hunk of Man, All on Account of a Guy.
The Irving Berlin musical and political satire Call Me Madam is playing at The Coliseum, London, England, UK, during a run of 485 performances. Main cast members are Billie Worth (Sally Adams), Anton Walbrook (Cosmo), Jeff Warren (Ken Gibson) and Shani Wallis (Princess Maria). Songs include The Hostess with the Mostes', It's a Lovely Day Today, The Ocarina, They Like Ike and You're Just in Love.
Guy Lombardo And His Orchestra are playing during a two-month stay at The Roosevelt Hotel, New York City, USA.
The popular musical Guys And Dolls is running at The Shubert Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Ray Pearl And His Musical Gems are playing during a season at The Trianon Ballroom, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Bobby Wayne is playing during a two-week season at The Towne Room, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, with The Carl Jannette Trio.
Frank Sinatra plays during a two week engagement at The Coconut Grove, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA.
The musical revue New Faces Of 1952, is presented at The Royale Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 365 performances. The revue is perhaps best remembered because it features Eartha Kitt making her Broadway debut with the spectacular song, Monotonous, based on real events in her life.
Kaye Thompson and The Williams Brothers are playing during a week at The Latin Casino, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Bandleader Benny Strong is playing during a three-week stay at Elitch Gardens, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Illinois Jacquet is playing at The Earle Theater, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Singer and popular songwriter Hank Fort is playing at The Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Jane Froman is playing at Chez Paree, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Guy Mitchell is playing during a week-long engagement at The Skyway Lounge, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Tony Bennett plays during a two-week engagement at The Vogue Room, Hotel Holland, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
The movie comedy musical Sailor Beware, starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, is released to cinemas in Sweden, Europe.
Judy Garland opens for a month at The Curran Theater, San Francisco, California, USA.
The musical comedy Wish You Were Here, is presented at The Imperial Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 598 performances.
The musical Love From Judy is playing at The Saville Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of 594 performances. The cast includes Jean Carson (Judy), Linda Gray (Grace), Bill O'Connor (Jervis) and Adelaide Hall (Butterfly) and songs including I Never Dream When I'm Asleep, Dear Daddy Long-Legs, Here We Are and A Touch of Voodoo.
The revue An Evening With Beatrice Lillie is presented at The Booth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 276 performances. As well as its actress-singer star, the show features piano duettists Eddie And Rack.