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The Original Indiana Five record Delilah, The Chant and Stockholm Stomp for Harmony Records in New York City, USA.
Eleven year old Eleanora Gough, later known to the world as Billie Holiday, is raped by a neighbour, Wilbert Rich, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. She is sent to the House Of The Good Shepherd for Colored Girls, to remain in protective custody.
The Melody Sheiks, directed by Sam Lanin, record Idolizing, Tell Me Tonight and One Alone, for OKeh Records in New York City, USA.
Eleven year old Eleanora Gough, later known to the world as Billie Holiday, is raped by a neighbour, Wilbert Rich, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. She is sent to the House Of The Good Shepherd for Colored Girls, to remain in protective custody.