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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Marvin Gaye releases a new single, Soldier
Jay And The Americans play the sixth night in a week of shows at Camelot, New York City, USA.
The Platters play the third night of a week in Milan, Italy, Europe.
Helen Shapiro and The Brook Brothers play at The Essoldo, TunbridgeWells, UK.
The Bud Powell Trio plays at Gyllende Cirklen, Stockholm, Sweden, Europe.
Duane Eddy performs Deep In The Heart Of Texas on tv pop show American Bandstand, recorded at WFIL-tv in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The Kingston Trio record Darlin' Are You Dreaming and Away Rio at Capitol Records, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Johnny Cash records Shamrock Doesn't Grow In California and Bonanza for Columbia Records in the USA.
Jay And The Americans play the sixth night in a week of shows at Camelot, New York City, USA.
The Beatles continue their seven week residency at The Star Club, Hamburg, Germany, Europe. During the day they also have a recording session in Hamburg with Tony Sheridan.
The Kingston Trio record Darlin' Are You Dreaming and Away Rio at Capitol Records Studios, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Gene Vincent plays at The Hippodrome, Stockton, UK.
Jazz saxophonist Leo Wright records the album Suddenly The Blues in New York City, USA, for Atlantic Records.
Gene Vincent plays at The Hippodrome, Stockton, UK.
The Bud Powell Trio plays at Gyllende Cirklen, Stockholm, Sweden, Europe.
Paul Anka plays the first of seven nights at The Latin Casino, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA.
Duane Eddy performs Deep In The Heart Of Texas on tv pop show American Bandstand, recorded at WFIL-tv in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Pop-Eye Stroll by The Mar-Keys peaks at No2 in the Canadian pop singles chart.
Gary U.S. Bonds , Johnny Burnette, Gene McDaniels, Mark Wynter and The Fleerekkers play at The Guildhall, Portsmouth, UK.
Jackie Wilson plays the fifth night in a two-week season at The Copacabana, New York City, USA.
Elvis Presley has a fifteenth day of location filming in Hawaii, USA, for his latest movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!
Jazz saxophonist Leo Wright records the album Suddenly The Blues in New York City, USA, for Atlantic Records.
Marvin Gaye releases a new single, Soldier
Pop-Eye Stroll by The Mar-Keys peaks at No2 in the Canadian pop singles chart.
Helen Shapiro and The Brook Brothers play at The Essoldo, Tunbridge Wells, UK.
Elvis Presley has a fifteenth day of location filming in Hawaii, USA, for his latest movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!.