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The Noel Coward-composed musical Sail Away is presented at The Broadhurst Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 167 performances.
The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Musical comedy The Gay Life is presented at The Shubert Theater, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 113 performances.
Joey Dee And The Starliters play in The Coliseum, Ottawa, Canada.
Bob Dylan plays a benefit show for CORE (the Congress of Racial Equality) at The City College Of New York, New York City, USA.
Duane Eddy records The Twist, Let's Twist Again, The Peppermint Twist and Miss Twist, at RCA Victor Studio 2, 6363 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA. His band includes guitarists Barney Kessel and Bill Pitman, bassist Red Callender, drummer Earl Palmer, pianist Larry Knechtel and saxophonists Jim Horn and Plas Johnson. Production duties are handled by Duane Eddy and Lee Hazlewood.
Bob Dylan plays a benefit show for CORE (the Congress of Racial Equality) at the City College Of New York, New York City.
The Beach Boys play the first of two nights at The Cinnamon Cinder, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Michael Wilton, guitarist of Queensryche, is born in San Francisco, California, USA.
Johnny Cash appears on country music tv show The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Louis Prima And His Orchestra record Just One Of Those Things, You're Just In Love, Three Handed Woman and John Ping Pong, for CapitolRecords in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Red Foley records Home, at Bradley Film And Recording Studios, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, with producer Owen Bradley.
Michael F. Wilton is born in San Francisco, California, USA. He will find success a co-founder and guitarist of prog-metal band Queensryche. He will earn the nickname The Whip for the speed with which his fingers "whip" around the guitar fretboard.
The Beatles play a lunchtime show at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, UK, followed by an evening show at The Tower, New Brighton, Wallasey, and a late-night gig at The Technical College, Birkenhead.
Bob Dylan plays a benefit show for CORE [The Congress Of Racial Equality] at the City College Of New York, New York City, USA.