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On their Slippery When Wet tour, Bon Jovi play at Donington Park, Castle Donington, England, UK, Europe, as part of the Monsters Of Rock '87 Festival.
Luka provides Suzanne Vega with her first major hit single, reaching No3 in the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA, and earning her a Grammy nomination.
Mary's Prayer by Scottish trio Danny Wilson enters the UK singles chart for the first time. It will peak at No42, but will do much better on re-release.
Madonna reaches No1 in the Billboard singles chart in the USA with Who's That Girl.
Bon Jovi, Dio, Metallica, Anthrax, W.A.S.P and Cinderella play at the Monsters Of Rock festival, Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, UK, Europe.
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Blues pianist/guitarist Baby Doo Caston, who often worked with Willie Dixon, dies aged 70 of heart disease at Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Casanova by Levert reaches No1 in the Billboard R'n'B singles chart in the USA, a position it will hold for two weeks.
Wonderful Life by Black enters the UK Top 40 singles chart, where it will become the band's second Top Ten hit, peaking at No8.
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Def Leppard enter the Billboard albums chart in the USA with Hysteria which will peak at No1.
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Dusty Springfield, produced and accompanied by The Pet Shop Boys, enters the UK singles chart with What Have I Done To Deserve This?, which will peak at No2.
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