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Beyonce plays the second of two nights at Madison Square Garden, New York City.
Author, musician, broadcaster and chairman of the BBC quiz game My Music, Steve Race dies aged 88.
The Forbes Magazine Celebrity 100 list reveals that Beyonce is set to earn an estimated $87m from publishing and music sales, touring and other performances, film work, her fashion collection and endorsement deals. The only other singer ahead of her is Madonna, at No3 in the list with Beyonce at No4.
Legendary music producer Phil Spector is moved to a "sensitive needs facility" in Corcoran State Prison, California, USA, where he will serve his sentence for murdering actress Lana Clarkson.
Kodak announces the end of production of Kodachrome film, because demand for the product has declined. Paul Simon's song, Kodachrome, which appeared on his 1973 album There Goes Rhymin' Simon, included the line 'Mama, don't take my Kodachrome away'. Mama didn't but, on this day, Kodak did.
Saxophonist Tommy Smith is presented with the Woodwind Award at the 2009 Scottish Jazz Awards during a ceremony in The Tron Theatre in Glasgow, Scotland.