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The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 559 performances.
The Army-McCarthy hearings, a congressional inquiry into alleged security lapses in the US Army, are broadcast live for the first time on tv from The Senate In Washington, DC, USA, on the ABC and DuMont networks. The hearings will be broadcast for 36 days to an estimated 80m people. The topical song Senator McCarthy Blues by Hal Block with the Tony Borrello Orchestra reveals the entent to which the hearings had a grip on the public imagination.
The Army-McCarthy hearings, a congressional inquiry into alleged security lapses in the US Army, are broadcast live for the first time on tv from The Senate In Washington, DC, USA, on the ABC and DuMont networks. The hearings will be broadcast for 36 days to an estimated 80m people. The topical song Senator McCarthy Blues by Hal Block with the Tony Borrello Orchestra reveals the extent to which the hearings had a grip on the public imagination. At least two other songs, Point of Order by Stan Freberg and Daws Butler, and Joe McCarthy's Band by Joe Glazer, are also responses to the McCarthy-Army conflict.
The Army-McCarthy hearings, a congressional inquiry into alleged security lapses in the US Army, are broadcast live for the first time on tv from The Senate In Washington, DC, USA, on the ABC and DuMont networks. The hearings will be broadcast for 36 days to an estimated 80m people, and will inspire the topical song Senator McCarthy Blues by Hal Block.
The Army-McCarthy hearings, a congressional inquiry into alleged security lapses in the US Army, are broadcast live for the first time on tv from The Senate In Washington, DC, USA, on the ABC and DuMont networks. The hearings will be broadcast for 36 days to an estimated 80m people. The topical song Senator McCarthy Blues by Hal Block with the Tony Borrello Orchestra reveals the extent to which the hearings had a grip on the public imagination.
Louis Jordan and The Robins play at The Trocadero, Los Angeles, California, USA, for the fourth of ten nights.
Harry Belafonte records The Drummer And The Cook, The Fox, Delia and Soldier, Soldier in RCA Victor's Manhattan Center, New York City, USA.