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Filming continues on the Prince movie Purple Rain in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Donny And Marie Osmond are undertaking a two-week live engagement in Hamilton, New Zealand, Oceania.
Duran Duran's third album, Seven And The Ragged Tiger, is released on EMI Records in the UK.
Donovan plays at The City Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, Europe.
The musical Marilyn : An American Fable, is presented at The Minskoff Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of just 17 performances.
Michael Jackson's Thriller video, which cost over $1m to make, is premiered at The Metro Theater, Westwood, California, USA.
Kool And The Gang release their fifteenth album, In The Heart, on De-Lite Records in the USA.
Kissing The Pink play at The Channel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, supported by Judy's Tiny Head.
Loudness release the live LP, Live-Loud-Alive: Loudness in Tokyo, on Nippon Columbia Records.
U2 release a new LP, Live - Under A Blood Red Sky, on Island Records in the UK.
On their Lick It Up World tour, Kiss play at Frederiksberghallen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.
Tuxedomoon play at The Rolling Stone, in Milan, Italy, Europe.
HSAS, a short-lived supergroup featuring lead vocalist Sammy Hagar, lead guitarist Neal Schon, bassist Kenny Aaronson and drummer Michael Shrieve, comes to the end of a run of dates at The Warfield Theater, San Francisco, California, USA.
Joshua Steven Gill is born in Fountain Valley, California, USA. He will find success as a singer, songwriter, engineer and record producer Josh Stevens.
Meiko Nakahara releases a new single, Scorpion, in Japan, Asia.
Einstürzende Neubauten release a new LP, Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T., on Some Bizarre Records.
Michael Jackson's Thriller video, which cost over $1m to make, is premiered at The Metro Theater, Westwood, California, USA.
At the Backstage Music Awards in the 2001 Club, Buffalo, New York State, USA, the winners are as follows:

Best Rock Band – Cheater

Most Original Local Band – Buxx

Best New Music Group – The Lumens

Best New Group - Watchers

Commercial Rock Band – Scinta Brothers

Best Blues/Funk Band – Shakin' Smith

Best Jazz Group - RPM

Country Rock Group – Ozone Rangers

Best Non-Local Club Group – 805

Best Buffalo Recording Group – Talas

Best Local Copy Band – Emerald City

Best Male Vocalist – Phil Naro (Talas)

Best Female Vocalist – Reeta Seitz (Watchers)

Best Guitarist – Tim Fik (Watchers)

Best Bass Player – Paul Gallop (Buxx)

Best Drummer – Ted Reinhardt (Gamelon)

Best Keyboardist – Martin Victor (Buxx)

Best Air Personality – Carl Russo (97 Rock)

Best Radio Station – 97 Rock

Best National Artist – Phil Collins

Best Concert of the Year – David Bowie

Best MTV Video – Duran Duran

Best MTV VJ – J.J. Jackson

Hall of Fame – Bill Sheehan, Dave Constantino, Paul Varga

On their The Present tour, The Moody Blues play at The Memorial Coliseum, Portland, Oregon, USA.
On their Flick of the Switch tour, AC/DC play at The Omni, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Our Daughter's Wedding play at The Vogue, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
The Circle Jerks and Verbal Assault play at The Living Room, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Los Lobos play at The Backdoor at SDSU, San Diego, California, USA.