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On their Eliminator tour, ZZ Top play at The palais des Sports, Grenoble, France, Europe.
On her Wild Heart tour, Stevie Nicks plays at The University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA.
Filming continues on the Prince movie Purple Rain in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Johnny Gill releases a new single, Show Her Love, on Cotillion Records in the USA.
X play at The Ritz, New York City, USA.
On their Synchronicity tour, The Police play at the Jefferson Center, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Michael Stanley plays at The Vogue, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
On their World Piece tour, Iron Maiden play at Messehalle 8, Hamburg, Germany, Europe.
AC/DC play at Omaha Civic Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Breton folk music group Kornog play at the Coffeehouse Extempore, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Colin Walcott, acclaimed sitarist with Oregon, Larry Coryell, The Paul Winter Consort and others, dies from injuries sustained in a car accident in Magdeburg, West Germany, Europe.
On their Lick It Up tour, Kiss play at Wiener Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria, Europe.
Ten Years After play at The Cabooze, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Emilia Ivanova Tsvetkova is born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Europe. She will find success as popular vocalist Emanuela.
After a lifetime of drug abuse, which had started at the age of 10, revered blues organist-pianist James Booker dies of a heart attack in his apartment in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Elvis Costello And The Attractions play in Vredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands, Europe.
Rayce Amoni Kingsley is born in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa. he will find success as Afrobeats-style singer Rayce.
Barbra Streisand releases the soundtrack to the film Yentl on Columbia Records in the USA.