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The stage musical On A Clear Day You Can See Forever, with lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Burton Lane, is playing at the Mark Hellinger Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 280 performances.
The stage musical Man Of La Mancha is playing at the ANTA Washington Square Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of almost two and a half years.
Nancy Ames is playing during two weeks at The Imperial Room of the Royal York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Quicksilver Messenger Service play the second of two nights at The Fillmore, San Francisco, supported by The Final Solution.
Frank Zappa's Mothers Of Invention play at Frenchy's, Hayward, California, USA. During the show, The Mothers also provide musical backing for the support act, solo singer Neil Diamond.
Bob Dylan performs at The Odeon Theatre, Newcastle, England, UK, Europe.
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The Ramsey Lewis Trio enters the UK Albums Chart with Hang On Ramsey!, which will peak at No20 during a four-week stay on the chart.
The Sopwith Camel perform at a Kathryn Branson School Dance, in the home of Mrs Vernon Skewes-Cox, San Francisco, California, USA.
Love play the second of three nights at The Avalon Ballroom, San Francisco, California, USA.
Dedicated Follower Of Fashion by The Kinks enters the Billboard singles chart in the USA, where it will peak at No36.
Frank Zappa's Mothers Of Invention play at Frenchy's, Hayward, California, USA. During the show, The Mothers also provide musical backing for the support act, solo singer Neil Diamond.
The third version of Hey Joe by The Leaves makes its debut on both the Billboard and Cash Box singles charts in the USA. It will spend nine weeks on both charts, peaking at No.31 on Billboard and No.43 on Cash Box.