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Lostprophets play at Carling Apollo, Manchester, UK.
A double-platinum disc for the album Twentysomething by British jazz star Jamie Cullum sells for £2,500 at a charity auction in aid of the Princes Trust.
Revered veteran record producer Jerry Wexler tells Billboard magazine that he believes the music industry is in a dreadful condition.
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Curtain Falls by Blue enters the Music Week UK singles chart at No4.
Eminem enters the Music Week UK albums chart at No1 with Encore.
U2 enter the Music Week UK singles chart in the UK at No1 with Vertigo.
Allow Us To Be Frank by Westlife enters the Music Week UK albums chart at No3.
After photographs are published showing bassist Jeordie White (a.k.a. Twiggy Ramirez) of A Perfect Circle in a recording studio with Nine Inch Nails, rumours begin circulating that he is about to join that band.
Elvis Costello plays in the A Day On The Green concert, in Bimbagen Estate, Hunter Valley, Australia, Oceania.