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Rick Anthony DeJesus is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. He will find success as Rick DeJesus, founder and lead vocalist of the hard rock bands, Adelitas Way and Sun Never Sets.
On his Midnight At The Lost And Found tour, Meat Loaf plays at The Playhouse, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, Europe.
In Manhattan Supreme Court in New York City, USA, the prosecution rests its case in the trial of Gail Collins, who is charged with the second degree murder of her husband, Felix Pappalardi of heavy rock band Mountain.
On their Pyromania tour, Def Leppard play at Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Robert Plant plays at The Summit, Houston, Texas, USA.
Gerald Lee Smith is born in Riverside, California, USA. he will find success as rapper, promoter and record label boss Nekro G.
Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Steve Winwood, Bill Wyman, Kenney Jones, Charlie Watts and others take part in a fund-raising benefit for former Faces' bassist Ronnie Lane, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, at The Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK, Europe.
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Adrian Belew plays at The Bottom Line, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA.
On her Wild Heart tour, Stevie Nicks plays at Casper Events Center, Casper, Wyoming, USA.
The Police play at the Parc des Expositions, Dijon, France, Europe.