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Fact #169622


Short story:

Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Steve Winwood, Bill Wyman, Kenney Jones, Charlie Watts and others take part in a fund-raising benefit for former Faces' bassist Ronnie Lane, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, at The Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Eric Clapton : Obviously it was a concert I very much wanted to do both on behalf of Ronnie and on behalf of the Action Research into Multiple Sclerosis Fund. But that didn't mean I wasn't nervous. Far from it. I was petrified when we had the first rehearsals, but it rapidly became great fun. And it was a delight to work with such a competent bunch of musicians.
(Source : The Eric Clapton Scrapbook by Marc Roberty, Citadel Books, 1994)