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Sugar Babies - The Burlesque Musical, starring Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney, is presented at The Mark Hellinger Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1208 performances.
The musical 42nd Street is presented at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will subsequently move to the Majestic Theatre and then to The St. James Theatre, before finally closing in 1989, having racked up a total of 3,486 performances.
Jean-Luc Ponty releases a new album, Civilized Evil, in the USA on Atlantic Records.
Queen play at Rosemont Horizon, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
The Jacksons, including Michael Jackson, play the second of four non-consecutive nights at The Forum, Los Angeles.
On his The Concert tour, Mike Oldfield plays at The Plaza Espana, Barcelona, Spain, Europe.
Yoko Ono has a second meeting with David Geffen in New York City, USA, to discuss the possibility of releasing John Lennon's comeback album, Double Fantasy.
The Tourists play at The City Hall, Newcastle, England, UK, Europe, supported by The Barracudas. Two members of the Tourists, Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart, will go on to form Eurythmics.
The Specials release a new album, More Specials, in the UK on 2-Tone Records.
Kate Bush is interviewed by Paul Gambaccini for BBC Radio One in London, England, UK, Europe.
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Identical twins Tegan Rain Quin and Sara Kiersten Quin are born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They will find international acclaim as rock-pop duo Tegan And Sara.
Bob Marley And The Wailers play the second of two nights at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA.
On their World Invasion Tour, Van Halen play the first of two nights at The Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California, USA.