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Sugar Babies - The Burlesque Musical, starring Ann Miller and Mickey Rooney, is presented at The Mark Hellinger Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1208 performances.
Rick James performs Merry Go Round, Big Time and Come Into My Life on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert on tv in the USA.
Jazz saxophonist Jimmy Forrest, whose first solo recording, Night Train, reached No. 1 for seven weeks on the Billboard R'n'B chart in 1952, dies aged 60 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Guitarist Dan Axelrod records Stranger In Paradise, Love Letters, Tristeza and other tracks in New York City, USA, for his Phoenix Jazz records LP New Axe. Also playing guitar on these sessions is Tal Farlow.
The musical 42nd Street is presented at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will subsequently move to the Majestic Theatre and then to The St. James Theatre, before finally closing in 1989, having racked up a total of 3,486 performances.
On their World Invasion Tour, Van Halen play at Corpus Christi Memorial Coliseum, Corpus Cristi, Texas, USA.
On their Back In Black tour, AC/DC play at Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston, Texas, USA.
The Grateful Dead play at The Public Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
On their Departure tour, Journey play at Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, Virginia, USA, supported by Sterling.
The Cure play at Prospect Hill Hotel, Melbourne, Australia, Oceania.
Bass player Tom Petersson leaves Cheap Trick. He will be replaced by Pete Comita.
On their The Game tour, Queen play at The Civic Center, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
She Na Na play at Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia, Maryland, USA, with special guest John Sebastian.
On their Chicago XIV tour, Chicago play at The Poplar Creek Music Theater, Hoffman Eastates, Illinois, USA.
Heart and Robert Palmer play at Concord Pavilion, Concord, California, USA.
XTC, The Police and UB40 play at the Plage du Mourillon, Toulon, France, Europe.