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Blues piano sensation Roosevelt Sykes records 44 Blues, Boot That Thing and Henry Ford Blues at his first-ever recording session, in New York City, USA, for Okeh Records.
The Gotham Rhythm Boys record I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling, written by Fats Waller and Harry Link for Jewel Records in New York City, USA.
Columbia Pictures releases a short film entitled Jail House Blues in the USA, featuring Mamie Smith performing The Jail House Blues and You Can
Jack Hylton and his Orchestra, record Little Pal, Why Can't You and When I Met Connie In The Cornfield, HMV Records in The Queens Small Hall, London, UK.
Blues piano sensation Roosevelt Sykes records 44 Blues, Boot That Thing and Henry Ford Blues at his first-ever recording session, in New York City, USA, for Okeh Records.
Blues piano sensation Roosevelt Sykes records 44 Blues, Boot That Thing and Henry Ford Blues at his first-ever recording session, in New York City, USA, for Okeh Records.
Blues piano sensation Roosevelt Sykes records 44 Blues, Boot That Thing and Henry Ford Blues at his first-ever recording session, in New York City, USA, for Okeh Records.
Columbia Pictures releases a short film entitled Jail House Blues in the USA, featuring Mamie Smith performing The Jail House Blues and You Can