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The second Terrastock Festival, promoted and organised by Melksham-based music journalist/entrepreneur Phil McMullen, comes to an end at the Custer Avenue Stages in San Francisco. Artists appearing today, the last of the festival's three nights, include Silver Apples, Mudhoney, Bardo Pond, The Lothars and Alchemysts.
The second Terrastock Festival, promoted and organised by Melksham-based music journalist/entrepreneur Phil McMullen, comes to an end at the Custer Avenue Stages in San Francisco. Artists appearing today, the last of the festival's three nights, include Silver Apples, Mudhoney, Bardo Pond, The Lothars and Alchemysts.
The second Terrastock Festival, promoted and organised by Melksham-based music journalist/entrepreneur Phil McMullen, comes to an end at the Custer Avenue Stages in San Francisco Artists appearing today, the last of the festival's three nights, include Silver Apples, Mudhoney, Bardo Pond, The Lothars and Alchemysts.