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The musical comedy Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, with music by Jule Styne, and starring Carol Channing, is presented at The Ziegfeld Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 740 performances.
The film-noir crime movie Inside The Walls Of Folsom Prison is released to cinemas in the USA. When Johnny Cash sees the movie, he will be inspired to write the song Folsom Prison Blues, one of his first hit singles.
Joe Daniels And His Hot Shots play at The Savoy Ballroom, Portsmouth, England, UK, Europe.
Reg Pursglove and his Music Makers play at The South Parade Pier, Portsmouth, England, UK, Europe.
Oscar Rabin And His Band play at The Festival Hall, Kirkby In Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England, UK, Europe.
Ray Anthony and his Orchestra play at Canobie Lake Park Ballroom, Salem, New Hampshire, USA.
The Coronets, with Duke Ellington on piano, record Swamp Drum, Sultry Serenade, Indian Summer and Britt-And-Butter Blues for Mercer Records in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.