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Texas begin a UK tour with a show at The Dome, Brighton.
James And The Ultrasounds play at Murphy's, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
Blair Dunlop and Emma Stevens play at Bush Hall, London, UK.
James Bay plays a sold-out show at The Institute, Birmingham, UK.
The Wombats play at O2 Academy, Liverpool, UK.
Drenge play at The Waterfront, Norwich, UK.
Stone Sour release the EP Meanwhile In Burbank on Roadrunner Records in the USA.
Reggae-dub four-piece The Skints play at The Library At The Institute, Birmingham, UK.
Wilko Johnson And His Band play at Sala Custom, Seville, Spain, Europe.
Ben Howard plays the last of three nights at Alexandra Palace, London, UK.
Nai Harvest play at Sticky Mike's Frog Bar, Brighton, England, UK, supported by Best Friends.
Hot Tuna play at The Carolina Theatre of Durham, Durham, North Carolina, USA.