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The musical comedy Ballyhoo Of 1930 is presented at Hammerstein's Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 68 performances.
A feature in the arts section of the Salt Lake Tribune, declares that "Mechanization is having its effect upon the presentation of music. It is possible to sit home and have a completely Varied program of music just by turning the dials of the radio. Quite often there will be a symphony, a part of an opera, a top-rank soloist, and always the ever-present jazz. Radio Is not killing the desire for flesh and blood musical performances. Audiences may be more discriminating, but their appetite for the best is whetted and not killed by the radio."
The musical revue Sweet And Low plays at Chanin's 46th Street Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 184 performances.
Paul Robeson begins a two-month concert tour, opening at the Town Hall, New York City, USA. During this tour, Robeson expands his repertoire to include Russian, Irish, English and other folk songs.