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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Sam Jones And Co record Come Rain Or Come Shine and Strollin', at Plaza Sound Studios, New York City, USA, for Riverside Records.
Bobby Darin continues with four weeks of dates at The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The Everly Brothers play the fifth of seven nights at The Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
The Flamingos play the last night of a week at The Hialeah Club, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Gene Pitney, Brian Hyland and Bobby Vinton play the first of two nightsat The State Fair, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated plays its regular Thursday night residency at The Marquee Club, Soho, London, UK.
Gene Pitney, Brian Hylandand Bobby Vinton play the first of two nights at the State Fair, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Nino Tempo And April Stevens play the last of fourteen nights at Eddy's Bar And Grill, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
The Flamingos play the last night of a week at The Hialeah Club, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Nino Tempo And April Stevens play the last of fourteen nights at Eddy's Bar And Grill, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated plays its regular Thursday night residency at The Marquee Club, Soho, London, UK.
Lloyd Price plays the first of ten nights at The Peppermint Lounge West, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Sam Jones And Co record Come Rain Or Come Shine and Strollin', at Plaza Sound Studios, New York City, USA, for Riverside Records.
Manager Brian Epstein informs The Beatles' drummer Pete Best that he is fired, and is to be replaced by Ringo Starr.
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Otis Redding is signed to Stax Records of Memphis, Tennessee, USA, by co-owners Joe Galkin and Jim Stewart.
The Everly Brothers play the fifth of seven nights at The Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.
Danish pirate radio station, Radio Mercur, is raided by the authorites for making illegal broadcasts.
Lloyd Price plays the first of ten nights at The Peppermint Lounge West, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Manager Brian Epstein informs The Beatles' drummer Pete Best that he is fired, and is to be replaced by Ringo Starr.
Otis Redding is signed to Stax Records of Memphis, Tennessee, USA, by co-owners Joe Galkin and Jim Stewart.
The Big Three play a lunchtime gig at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, UK.
The Coleman Hawkins Quartet record Wouldn't It Be Luvverly, Climb Every Mountain and other tracks at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, for Moodsville Records.
Little Stevie Wonder releases his debut single, I Call It Pretty Music But The Old People Call It The Blues, on Tamla Records in the USA.
The Coleman Hawkins Quartet record Wouldn't It Be Luvverly, Climb Every Mountain and other tracks at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, for Moodsville Records.