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The All Black musical show Chocolate Kiddies, featuring the dancers Rufus Greenlee and Thadeus Drayton, with music written by Duke Ellington and performed by The Band, aka The Chocolate Kiddies Orchestra, is performed at The Admiralspalast, Berlin, Germany, Europe, during a run of 65 performances.
Acclaimed and innovative jazz cornet player Emmett Hardy dies in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, of tuberculosis just four days after his 22nd birthday.
Alex Hyde And His Orchestra play at the Esplanade Hotel, near Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, Germany, as part of the afternoon entertainment prior to an exhibition bout featuring boxer Jack Dempsey at Luna Park in the evening.
Alex Hyde And His Orchestra are undertaking a month-long engagement, playing for an Elite-Abend fashion show at The Luna Palais, Luna Park, Berlin, Germany.