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Steve Prestwich, Liverpool-born drummer of Australian band Cold Chisel, dies aged 56, just two weeks after being diagnosed with a brain tumour.
Jimmy Webb plays at The Freight And Salvage, Berkeley, California, USA.
Slash and Ozzy Osbourne play at The Qwest Center, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
On their Hurricane tour, 30 Seconds To Mars play at Freeborn Hall, Davis, California, USA.
It is announced by Crain's New York Business that Bob Dylan has signed a new six-book deal with publishers Simon And Schuster.
The Diane Warren-penned tune You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me, as performed by Cher, wins the Best Song award at The Golden Globes in the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Korn play at The Metro Centre, Rockford, Illinois, USA. Also on the same bill are Disturbed and Sevendust.
Adele releases a new single, Rolling In The Deep, in the UK. It will peak at No2.
of Montreal play at The Soul Kitchen, Mobile, Alabama, USA.
Steve Prestwich, drummer of Australian band Cold Chisel, dies aged 56, just two weeks after being diagnosed with a brain tumour.
Little Feat play at The Florida Theatre, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Charlotte Martin plays two shows at Joe's Pub, New York City, USA.
J.P. Cormier plays at Hugh's Room, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Accept play at Hof Ter Lo, Antwerp, Belgium, Europe.
JLS play the second of two nights at the O2 Arena, London, UK.