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Alice In Chains play at The Sheraton La Reina, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Jazz drummer Max Roach records Self-Portrait and Drums Unlimited at Rev'O Jazz, Paris, France, Europe. The tracks will be released on the 1992 album To The Max!
The La's enter the UK singles chart with Timeless Melody, on Go! Discs. It will peak at No57.
Toshinobu Kubota releases his fourth LP, Bonga Wanga on Sony Music Entertainment Japan, in Japan, Asia.
Release Me by Wilson Phillips reaches No1 in the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA for the first of two weeks.
Gandalf / John Dyson, Mark Shreeve And Shaun D'Lear, Hi Q, Quiet Point, Drumbeg, Michael Shipway and Glyn Lloyd-Jones play at The UK Electronica, Sheffield University, Sheffield, England, UK, Europe. Journalist Johnny Black's diary entry about attending this event is attached here.
The Joker by The Steve Miller Band reaches No1 in the UK singles chart.
Roger Waters releases the 2-CD set The Wall - Live In Berlin, on Mercury Records in Japan, Asia.
The Sundays play at The Vic Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Hwi Eun of Korean girl group Black Pearl is born.
Led Zeppelin cover band Physical Graffiti and The Swinging Steaks play at The Channel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Spiritualized play at Temptation 2, Liverpool, England, UK.
Phish play at The Colonial Theatre, Keane, New Hampshire, USA.
Rush play at The North Ranch Country Club, Westlake Village, California, USA.
It is reported in the UK press that Silvertone Records has placed an injunction on Stone Roses, to prevent the group from recording for another label.
Rich Mullins and Beaker play at the True Tunes Christian music store in Wheaton, Illinois, USA.
The Grateful Dead play at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA.
On their Magic Summer tour, New Kids On The Block play at The Thomas And Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
On their Hot In The Shade tour, Kiss play at The Sports Arena, San Diego, California, USA.
Vision Of Love by Mariah Carey reaches No9 in the UK singles chart, and her eponymous debut album reaches No6.
The Christians enter the UK singles chart with Greenbank Drive, which will peak at No63 during a two-week run.