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The album Long Misty Days by Robin Trower is awarded a gold disc in the USA by the R.I.A.A.
The album Long Misty Days by Robin Trower is awarded a gold disc in the USA by the R.I.A.A.
The live triple-album Wings Over America by Paul McCartney and Wings is certified as a gold disc in the USA by the RIAA.
Nobodaddy play at Tiffany's, Edinburgh, Scotland, supported by The Stranglers.
A gig by The Sex Pistols, The Clash and The Heartbreakers at Colston Hall, Bristol, UK, is cancelled. There are arguments about money at Glitterbest, the Pistols' management office, and their manager, Malcolm McLaren, has further meetings with EMI.
Eddie and the Hot Rods play at the Town Hall, Birmingham, UK.