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The musical Fiddler On The Roof, starring Zero Mostel, is performed at The Majestic Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run continuously (but at three different theatres) until 1972 notching up 3,242 performances.
The rock musical Your Own Thing is presented at The Orpheum Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 937 performances.
The musical Jacques Brel Is Alive And Well And Living In Paris, is performed at The Village Gate, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,847 performances.
The controversial hippy musical, Hair is playing at the Biltmore Theatre on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1750 performances.
The rock musical Hair (which includes a scene with a fully nude cast) is presented during a run of 1,997 performances at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe. The cast includes Marsha Hunt, Paul Nicholas, Sonja Kristina and Jimmy Winston.
Sly And The Family Stone, Pacific Gas And Electric, Dunn And McCashen and Little Sister play the last of three nights at Winterland, San Francisco, California, USA.
Hawkwind, The Pink Fairies, The Pretty Things, Peter Green, Steve Took and others play in the Christmas Spaced event at The Roundhouse, Chalk Farm, London, UK.
Barry Gibb of The Bee Gees records When I Do, Together and other tracks in IBC Studios, London, UK.
While recording his album If I Could Only Remember My Name, at Wally Heider Studios, San Francisco, California, USA, David Crosby records a version of Tamalpais High with three members of the Grateful Dead - Jerry Garcia on guitars, Phil Lesh on bass, and Bill Kreutzmann on drums. Also playing guitar is Jorma Kaukonen of Jefferson Airplane. This version, however, is not used on the album.
Albert King, Lee Michaels and Atlee play the last of four nights at the Fillmore West, San Francisco, California, USA.