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Tegan and Sara play the second of two nights at The North Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, supported by An Horse.
On their 21st Century Breakdown tour, Green Day play at the Impact Arena, Bangkok, Thailand.
British rock'n'roll hit-maker Shakin' Stevens is convicted at Ballymena Magistrates Court, Ballymena, Ireland, of having assaulted local freelance photographer Hugo McNeice with a microphone stand in County Antrim. Stevens is fined £300 for assault and criminal damage, and ordered to pay the photographer £479 to compensate for his smashed camera lens.
Bruce Springsteen is on holiday with his family on the island of St. Barts in the Leeward Islands in the Caribbean.
Tegan and Sara play at The Calvin Theatre, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA.
Adam Yauch of The Beastie Boys attends The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures Awards gala at Cipriani, New York City, USA.
Finnish folk-metal band Korpiklaani play at Reggie's Rock Club, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
It is reported that Duffy has begun recording sessions for her second album, the follow-up to Rockferry, in New York City, where she is working with songwriter Albert Hammond.
On the Who Am I tour, Nick Jonas and The Administration play the first of two nights at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
On her Monster Ball tour, Lady Gaga plays the first of two nights at the Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan, Illinois, USA.
Vampire Weekend release their second album, Contra on XL Recordings in the USA.