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Bruno Mars and Ellie Goulding play at Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
On their Live And Loud tour, Rascal Flatts, supported by The Band Perry and Cassadee Pope, play at The BOK Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
Bastille play at The Summer Sonic festival, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
Country musician and singer Jody Payne, perhaps best known as a longtime guitarist in Willie Nelson's band, The Family, dies aged 77 from cardiac problems, in hospital in Stapleton, Alabama, USA.
Popular vocalist Eydie Gorme, best known as half of a duo with her husband, Steve Lawrence, dies aged 84 in Sunrise Hospital And Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Thirty Seconds To Mars play at The Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, Australia.