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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Frank Sinatra plays a charity concert at The Royal Festival Hall, London, UK.
Judy Garland holds a party at Shepperton Studios, London, UK, for her upcoming 40th birthday.
Jerry Lee Lewis plays the last of three nights at The Holiday House, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Chubby Checker plays the last of ten nights at the National Stadium, Mexico City, Mexico, Central America.
The Lettermen, Danny Lewis and Julie Wilson are the musical guests on The Ed Sullivan Show in New York City, USA.
Faraway, written by Lionel Bart and sung by Shirley Bassey enters the UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No28.
Shirley Bassey, Nelson Riddle and The Hi-Lo's play atThe Gaumont, Hammersmith, London, UK.
Shirley Bassey, Nelson Riddle and The Hi-Lo's play at The Gaumont, Hammersmith, London, UK.
Neil Sedaka plays the fifth night of a week of shows at The International Club, New York City, USA.
Carl Perkins plays the tenth of fifteen nights at The Golden Nugget, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Carl Perkins plays the tenth of fifteen nights at The Golden Nugget, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Faraway, written by Lionel Bart and sung by Shirley Bassey enters the UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No28.
Faraway, written by Lionel Bartand sung by Shirley Bassey enters the UK pop singles chart where it will peak at No28.
Max Elliott is born in Lewisham, London, UK. He will find fame as reggae vocalist Maxi Priest.
Neil Sedaka plays the fifth night of a week of shows at The International Club, New York City, USA.
Brenda Lee plays the seventh of what is planned as fourteen nights at The Latin Casino, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA. She will, however dislocate her neck on the 12th, necessitating cancellation of the remaining dates.
Popular vocalist Rosemary Clooney is the mystery guest on tv show What's My Line? in the USA.
Popular vocalist Rosemary Clooney is the mystery guest on US tv show What's My Line?