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Run The Jewels play at The Town Hall, Auckland, New Zealand, Oceania.
Katy Perry and her ex-boyfriend John Mayer are seen out together at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, California, USA. They are joined by Girls actress Allison Williams and her fiance Ricky Van Veen.
Mooyi, CEO of Boom Boom Empire, the prominent African Hip-Hop label, is arrested at The Boom Boom Mansion in Towson, Maryland, USA, for throwing a Project X party so massive that major roads are blocked by traffic for hours. According to the police report, the party involved up to 2,000 guests (mostly college students) a hot tub, game room, home theater, pool table, stripper pole, bar, big screen televisions and expensive African paintings.
Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio are spotted kissing during designer Nikki Erwin’s 30th birthday party at The Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles, California, USA.
When Usher and his longtime girlfriend/business partner Grace Miguel attend the Golden Globes Art of Elysium Heaven Gala in Los Angeles, California, USA, Grace is seen to be wearing a huge diamond ring on her wedding ring finger! Shortly after, it is confirmed that the couple have become engaged.
Tim Drummond, best-known as the bassist for James Brown, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Crosby, Stills, Nash And Young, Ry Cooder, J.J. Cale, The Beach Boys and others, dies aged 74 in St. Louis County, Missouri, USA.