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The Levon Helm Band plays one its regular Midnight Ramble Sessions Vol 3, in Helm's barn in Woodstock, New York State, USA. Guest musicians taking part in the session include Jimmy Vivino.
In a post on her MySpace.com blog, Courtney Love announces that she intends to follow Radiohead's lead by letting her fans decide how much to pay for her forthcoming album.
Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) by Beyonce reaches No1 in the Billboard US Hot Dance Airplay Chart.
Black Eyed Peas vocalist Fergie marries actor Josh Duhamel in Malibu, California. Kid Rock is among the 350 guests.
A 12-track collection of Bruce Springsteen's greatest hits, goes on sale exclusively in Wal-Mart stores in the USA. Springsteen will later announce that the decision was a mistake, because Wal-Mart's anti-union practices conflict with his own political principles.