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Country music singer and songwriter Billy Joe Shaver turns himself in to police at McLennan County Jail, Waco, Texas, USA. Warrants for Shaver's arrest had been issued the previous day by police in Lorena, Texas, USA, because he had recently shot Billy Bryant Coker, in the face with a handgun, following a confrontation in Papa Joe's Texas Saloon, Lorena. He is released after an hour on a $50,000 bond and gives his scheduled performance at Waterloo Records in Austin that evening.
Chris Whitley and Jeff Lang release their collaborative album Dislocation Blues on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation label, in the USA. The album includes their versions of two Bob Dylan songs, When I Paint My Masterpiece and Changing Of The Guards.
It is reported that Russia has banned the sale of music CDs, DVDs and videocassettes from street markets and kiosks, thus indicating that the Kremlin is getting serious about combating piracy.
In a feature published in UK music magazine the NME, notorious drug abuser Keith Richards, guitarist of The Rolling Stones, claims that the weirdest thing he ever snorted was his dead father's ashes. The story is immediately denied by his PR, Bernard Doherty, as an April Fool's joke but Richards will repeat and elaborate on the claim in his 2010 autobiography, Life.