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The Tony Scott Orchestra, with Bill Evans on piano, records Rock Me But Don't Roll Me, in New York City, USA, for RCA Victor.
Ruby Murray opens in the summer show Light Up The Town at The Hippodrome, Brighton, UK.
Chuck Berry plays at The Auditorium, Columbia, South Carolina, USA.
The Tony Scott Orchestra, with Bill Evans on piano, records Rock Me But Don't Roll Me, in New York City for RCA Victor.
Yana, Eddie Arnold and Cherry Wainer begin a week of shows at The Empire, Glasgow, Scotland.
The Tony Scott Orchestra, with Bill Evans on piano, records Rock Me But Don’t Roll Me, in New York City for RCA Victor.
The Tony Scott Orchestra, with Bill Evans on piano, records Rock Me But Don't Roll Me, in New York City, USA, for RCA Victor.
Eddie Arnold begins a week of shows at The Empire, Glasgow, Scotland.