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The Ziegfeld Theatre, named for pioneering music and dance spectacular producer Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., opens at the intersection of 6th Avenue and 54th Street in New York City, USA.
An advertisement in The Charleston Gazette, Charleston, West Virginia, USA, invites readers to 'come in and listen to the new Victor and Brunswick records' at Woodrum's store. The latest recordings on offer include Roamin' In The Gloamin' and I Love A Lassie by Sir Harry Lauder and Cherie I Love You and Ting-a-ling by Jesse Crawford.
Michael Barr is born in Vincennes, Indiana, USA. Teamed with lyricist Dion McGregor, he will compose contemporary cabaret staples recorded by singers including Barbra Streisand and Blossom Dearie.
The Ziegfeld Theatre, named for pioneering Chicago-born music and dance spectacular producer Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., opens at the intersection of 6th Avenue and 54th Street in New York City, USA.
The musical revue Artists And Models Of 1927, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 151 performances.