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The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 559 performances.
Fred Rose, co-founder of the Acuff-Rose country music publishing empire, dies of a heart attack, aged 57, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
The Clovers, The Joe Morris Orchestra and Al Savage play the sixth night of a week at The Howard Theater, Washington, DC, USA.
Fred Rose, co-founder of the Acuff-Rose country music publishing empire, dies in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Earl Bostic plays the third night of a week at The Colonial Tavern, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Fred Rose, co-founder of the Acuff-Rose country music publishing empire, dies aged 57, of a heart attack, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
The current No1 single in the Billboard Juke Box Singles Chart in the USA is I Need You Now by Eddie Fisher