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Deborah Harry (aka Blondie) plays at Temple Park Centre, Newcastle, England, UK.
Nick Cave plays at Brixton Academy, Brixton, London, England, UK.
Motley Crue play the second of two nights at The Neal S. Blaisdell Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Robert Plant plays at The City Hall, Sheffield, England, UK.
On their Presto Tour, Rush play at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, USA.
During a brief break in the Urban Jungle tour, Ron Wood and Charlie Watts of The Rolling Stones celebrate their birthdays at their hotel bar in Munich, West Germany, Europe.
The video Step By Step by New Kids On The Block is certified as having achieved 6x platinum status in Canada.
Crosby, Stills And Nash play at The Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Texas, USA.
Two videos by The Doors, Dance On Fire and Live, are certified as having achieved gold status in Canada.
On their Hot In The Shade Tour, Kiss play at Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Bob Dylan plays the first of two nights at The National Arts Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Madonna is featured on the cover of Interview magazine in the USA, posed controversially with one hand between her thighs and the other on her breast.
On her Blonde Ambition tour, Madonna plays the second of two nights at The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA. During this show, Madonna invites her father, Silvio Anthony Ciccone, onstage to sing Happy Birthday to him.
Molly Hatchet with Pat Travers plus Black Water Junction and Lady Luck play at The Channel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
When British reggae band Misty In Roots play at Mutare, Zimbabwe, Africa, fans riot and tear down fences to get in to see the band. A car is set on fire, and police shoot at fans trying to set fire to a petrol station. During the riot, one man is reported killed and 39 are injured.
David Bowie plays at McNichols Sports Arena, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Cher plays at St. Louis Arena, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers play at The Mesa Amphitheatre, Mesa, Arizona, USA.
Judy Collins, Richie Havens, Tracy Chapman, The Mighty Sparrow and others play at a rally and concert for Nelson Mandela in Yankee Stadium, New York City, USA.
Midnight Oil play at Jones Beach, New York State, USA, with Hunters And Collectors.