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Bob Dylan plays at The Max Schmeling Halle, Berlin, Germany, Europe.
Billy Bragg, Kate Nash and others take part in demonstrations against the G20 Summit, outside the Bank of England in the city of London, England, UK.
It is reported that Carlos Santana has signed a contract to undertake a multi-year residency in The Joint at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. The residency, entitled Supernatural Santana - A Trip Through The Hits, will involve the legendary Latin guitarist playing 36 shows per year.
Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band play at the HP Pavilion at San Jose, California, USA.
Lemar plays at The Oasis Leisure Centre, Swindon, Wiltshire, England, UK, Europe, supported by JLS.
Bjork announces on her website that she has accepted the position of lead vocalist with Led Zeppelin, but insists she will only perform songs from the Lep Zeppelin albums I and IV.
Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band play at the HP Pavilion at San Jose, California, USA.
It being April Fools day, Los Angeles radio station Latino 96.3 hoaxes listeners by announcing the impending marriage of Michael Jackson and Madonna, complete with impersonators of the happy couple phoning the station to confirm the news.