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Bob Dylan plays at the Messehalle, Erfurt, Germany, Europe.
Ray LaMontagne begins a month-long North American tour at the Wellmont Theatre, Montclair, New Jersey.
Iron Maiden come to the end of their Somewhere Back In Time tour with a show at The BankAtlantic Center, Sunrise, Florida, USA.
Jazz flute and saxophone star Bud Shank, dies, aged 82, in San Diego, California, USA. Although a leading light in the West Coast jazz scene and a pioneer of the 60s samba-jazz craze, he is perhaps best-known to a wider public for his signature flute embellishments on the Mamas And The Papas summer anthem California Dreamin'.
Simply Red play the first of two nights at the O2 Arena, London, England, UK, Europe.
It is reported that Nonesuch Records has signed Providence, Rhode Island-based trio The Low Anthem, who will re-release their first album, Oh My God, Charlie Darwin, through the label in June.