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The musical show The Wonder Bar is presented at The Nora Bayes Theatre on Breoadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 76 performances. Set in a Parisian nightclub in 1929, the show stars Al Jolson and features music by Robert Katscher with lyrics by Irving Ceasar.
A dance marathon contest, which began on August 29, 1930, comes to an end in The Merry Garden ballroom, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The winners are Mike Ritof and Edith Bourdreaux who have set the world's record for the longest continuous dance, by dancing for 5,154 hours and 48 minutes.
Big Slim And His Lone Star Rangers make their debut over radio station KQV in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, with a half hour of mountaineer and barn dance songs, which will prove popular enough to become a regular series.